About Us
Verran Primary School has a long tradition of providing excellent education within an inclusive environment. We value the partnership we have with parents, students, staff and community, recognising that since 1964 all these groups have made substantial contributions to the facilities, resources, values, culture, expectations and standards that we currently have in the school.
Our school's curriculum is closely aligned to the New Zealand Curriculum and we share the vision of young people being confident, connected, actively involved, life long learners.
We aim to develop individuals by setting high academic and behavioural expectations; employing quality teachers; using effective teaching practice. In modern educational organisations staff must have a professional approach, be part of a team and maintain continuous improvement via professional development. Effective teaching practice now utilises diverse strategies to achieve success in learning. At Verran Primary School this involves inquiry based learning, use of learning centres, cooperative learning, problem solving, learning by "doing", specialised group and individual learning, ability based individual or group learning, authentic learning that relates to real life contexts, use of peer tutoring.
Verran Primary School values and cares for each individual, encouraging them in the key competencies of thinking, managing themselves, relating to others and participating and contributing in all aspects of school life.