Our Kāhui Ako

A Community of Learning | Kāhui Ako is a groVeup of education and training providers that form around chilVedren and young people's learning pathways, and work together to help them achieve their full potential.  

Verran Primary School belongs to Te Ara Whetū Kāhui Ako.

The following schools and ECE organisations are members of the Te Ara Whetū Kāhui Ako.

Beach Haven School

Birkdale Intermediate

Birkdale North School

Birkenhead College

Chelsea School

Verran Primary School

Beach Haven Kindergarten

Birkdale Early Learning Centre

Chelsea Kindergarten

Creative Kids

Eskdale Treehouse Early Learning Centre

Kauri Kids Beach Haven

Kauri Park Kindergarten

Lancaster Learning Centre

Next Generation Birkenhead

Nurserydale Childcare Centre

Tui Art Early Learning Centre

Friends of Verran Primary

The Friends of Verran Primary School (FOVP) is a crucial part of our school. This is a group of dedicated and enthusiastic parents and whanau who 'support' the school by organising and running fundraising events throughout the year.   Like many school support groups, its biggest focus is fundraising. We are actively involved in fundraising for the school which makes a valuable addition to the government funding we receive to operate Verran Primary School. 

What we do......

The objective of our fundraising programme each year is to help raise funds needed to cover the shortfall between what our school receives from government funding and what is needed to operate our school. The funds raised go directly back into our school for our children.

When we fundraise, we raise money to carry out projects that benefit the school, pupils, parents and staff. We organise events like Discos, Movie nights, Quiz Nights, Chocolate sales, bake sales and fun runs just to name a few. The FOVP are not just a "fund" raising group, they also focus on running fun activities that make the experiences at Verran Primary so memorable for the children and their families.


Meetings are very informal and usually held twice a term, there are a number of ways you can help: Attend our monthly meetings - on a one-off or a regular basis, help to plan and organize fundraising and school events, supporting social/evening school functions or by lending a hand on upcoming FOVP events which are advertised in the school newsletter.

Past and present members of our FOVP will tell you that being involved in the FOVP is fantastic way to get involved in your child's school and it is a fun way to get to know other parents

Contact Us...

Verran families can join our dedicated FOVP Facebook page to stay up to date on all FOVP information and events.


The Friends of Verran Primary School can be contacted via email at fovp@verranprimary.school.nz 

Our Local Iwi

Before & After School Care

SKIDS (Safe Kids in Daily Supervision) run a before school (7:30am to 8:30pm )and an after school programme (3pm to 6pm) in our school hall for Primary aged children. 

This organisation is separate to any Verran Primary School management, responsibility and payment.

Contact  Ph 021 298 8919 or verran@skids.co.nz  for further details.

Sponsors and Supporters

We receive generous sponsorship from Ray White Birkenhead.  We regularly borrow their van to transport students to events.  Their sponsorship allows us to purchase sports equipment and sports uniforms.