Verran Primary School welcomes new enrolments.  

(Our enrolment scheme is currently open.  This means you can enrol your child even if you do not currently live in the Verran School zone. Contact the school for an appointment with the principal.)

We encourage families to enrol children as early as possible to ensure we can organise classes and staffing accordingly. 

For new entrants, enrolments may be made immediately prior to the child's fifth birthday, but no child may begin classes until he/she is 5 years old. A birth certificate and immunisation certificate must be sighted at the enrolment.

Please see below for our online enrolment form or alternatively pick one up from the school office .  

If you would like to discuss your enrolment or to organise a school tour please contact us here.  

Arrangements will be made for up to 2 pre-school visits which will allow children and parents to experience different aspects of the classroom programme before starting school.

Process for Pre-enrolment into Verran Primary School

 An enrolment form is available above and to be completed by the parent/caregiver.

 The school requires the following information to be submitted with the completed enrolment form:

When should I enrol my child to go to school?

Your child can start school or kura in New Zealand between age five and six. All children must be enrolled at school by their sixth birthday.

When your child has started at school or kura, they must go to school every day. This is a change from the earlier rule, where regular attendance was required only from age six.

Enrolling early helps the school or kura with their planning. As soon as you've decided on a school or kura get in touch with them to enrol your child, arrange a time for your child to start and arrange some visits to get your child used to school or kura.