
School Day & Bell Times

School Hours: Each of these times is marked with a bell.

08:50 am - Children in class

08:55 am - Class starts

10:40 am - Morning tea

11:00 am - Class starts

12:30 pm - Lunch eating starts

12:40 pm - Lunch eating ends

1:25 pm - End of lunch warning bell

1:30 pm - Class Starts

3:00 pm - School finishes.

Children are allowed in class at 8:30 am and should be in the school grounds by 8.50 am. There is NO shortened lunch hour on wet days. Children who are required to go home for lunch or for any other purpose during the day must have written permission. Parents are requested to leave classrooms by the 8.55 am bell to enable a quick and settled start by children.


Please click here for information about and to view our school newsletters.

School Donations and Activity Fees

Please click here for more information.

Road Safety

a) Verran Road - children should cross over at the special patrol place at 3 pm. In the morning they should go around the footpath. 

b) Bush paths - Children are encouraged to walk to and from school in small groups. 

c) Castleton Street - children should go around the footpath to the opposite side, not cross near Vandeleur Ave or any other point. 

These rules have been made in the interests of child safety. Parents who do not wish their children to conform must accept all responsibility.

First Aid

Staff are able to treat minor problems only. Although we have a bed in our sick bay it is our policy to contact parents when a child appears unwell or requires further medical attention. In an emergency when a parent or contact person is not available, the school will use the 'Vital Information' or 'Enrolment Information' to contact the family doctor if necessary.


Please click here for information about and to view our school newsletters.

New Parents

Two orientation evenings are held for parents of New Entrant children during the year. Parents will be notified of dates and times.

Community Help Scheme

There are several Community Centres available in the area, with the Birkdale Community Centre offering after school care.

Children's Community Dental Clinic

The Dental Therapist is located at Birkenhead Primary School. Children can be enrolled at the clinic from 3 years or when they start school. If you require urgent treatment contact 480 9602 direct. A mobile dental van visits our school once a year and screens all children.

School Photographs

Individual and class photographs are taken every year. Classroom photos are taken in Term 1 and individual photos and sports teams Term 4. Photos will be sent home for parents - pre paid photos can be ordered.

Clothing and Footwear

Children should be appropriately dressed at all times and we request that you name your child's items of clothing and belongings to assist their return. Clothing that is not claimed is kept in the cloakroom outside Room 3 and Room 4 for about a term. After that it is put into the clothing bin at the school gate. We ask that children wear shoes or sandals to school each day as this is a health and safety issue. 

Scholastic Bookclub Books

Throughout the year children will have the opportunity to purchase paperback books at a reasonable price through these book clubs. Parents can order online using the Scholastic Loop app. Cash purchases must be returned to school with the completed form in an envelope stating child's name, room number and amount enclosed.

Lost Property

The school acquires large quantities of lost property, most UNNAMED. 

Lost property is available (when recently lost) from outside Room 4. Parents are encouraged to check this regularly. Please name all clothing.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Click here for more information on our BYOD programme which involves Year 5 -6 Students.


All sections of the Enrolment form must be filled in.  Please click here for enrolment information.

Attendance, Absentee, Sickness

Irregular attendance patterns have been identified as one of the major barriers to children's learning and the Ministry of Education provides schools with a number of avenues of support to help reduce unjustified absences and truancy. Children are required by regulation to attend school unless prevented by special circumstances or illness. 

It is important that children arrive each day on time. We require prior written notification to the Principal if your child is going to be absent for reasons other than illness eg family holiday. 

The school day starts at 8.55am when children need to be at school ready to start the day.  Arriving after the bell can cause disruption to the class and make it difficult for a child to settle. 

Roll call is at 8.55am and if children are not there they will be recorded as late or absent. 

If your child is unavoidably late please notify the office on arrival. If your child is absent for the day you need to notify the Office. Any unexplained absence will be followed up with a phone call. 

Student absence: please ring the school office 09 483 7052  before 9am and leave a message or use the Skool Loop app.

Vital Information

For school records it is important that certain information is provided upon enrolment e.g. address, phone numbers at work and home; relative/neighbours who may be contacted in an emergency when parents are unavailable; doctor; health related matters, allergies, special medications etc. Any alteration to this information during the year should be sent to the office.

Specialist Services

The school has access to the following:

Children may be seen as a matter of course or as referred by parent or teacher.


At the beginning of each year parents are informed about the syndicate homework policies. A permission slip indicating whether a child is to have homework or not might be required by the classroom teacher. This helps to clarify the situation between home and school.

Meet the Teacher Day

Prior to the start of the school year, we hold a meet the teacher day where parents can begin to build connections with their child's teacher.  It is also an opportunity to learbn about how school life runs in a particular classroom and syndicate.  Children are encouraged to attend this meeting.

Informal Conferences

Parents are welcome to make an appointment, through the school office at any time to discuss their child's progress, when there is a particular need or concern. Occasionally teachers may also initiate such a meeting when a matter requires discussion. 

As teachers have various commitments before and after school, such as staff meetings and work preparation, they can not be readily available without an appointment. Parents are therefore requested to make an appointment with the teacher or through contacting the school office.

Parent/Teacher/Child Conferences

The school considers oral reporting the most effective way to discuss pupils' achievements and progress with parents. Two formal verbal reportings are held each year. The first in the Term 2, and the second late in Term 3. A written report is provided in conjunction with the Term 2 parent interview, and during the last week of Term 4. This will describe children's individual achievements in key curriculum; personal/social areas.

Parent Involvement in School Activities

Parents are actively encouraged to participate in school activities. This may include, assistance in classroom programmes; particularly in the Junior Department, or assistance with school trips; sports coaching, cultural activities or general school operations such as: fundraising, lunchroom, typing, book repair, Library or B.S.M. Resources.

Please contact the school if you are willing to help in any of these areas. 

Parent help is always appreciated. In addition there is a 'Parent Support Group' which is particularly concerned with fundraising activities.

Lunch Orders

Wednesday and Thursday we have lunches available through LunchOnline.  Both are delivered fresh to Verran Primary every Wednesday and Thursday in time for lunch. To place an order visit to register an account, pay and customise an order for your child. Orders must be made before the morning of the delivery. 

Edge Caregiver Portal

Parents and caregivers are now able to access their child’s attendance, assessment reporting and make school payments via the Caregiver Portal on our school's Management System Edge

Complaints Policy

All of our school policies are available to view on SchooldocsClick on Search for your school - top right corner in green - start typing Verran - click on Verran Primary...

Community Login is:  verranprimary

Password is: taniwha136

Edge Caregiver Portal

Parents and caregivers are now able to access their child’s attendance, assessment reporting and make school payments via the Caregiver Portal on our school's Management System Edge

Before & After School Care

SKIDS (Safe Kids in Daily Supervision) run a before school (7:30am to 8:30pm )and an after school programme (3pm to 6pm) in our school hall for Primary aged children. This organisation is separate to any Verran Primary School management, responsibility and payment.

Contact  Ph 021 298 8919 or for further details.